Charlie Cowen-Breen

I’m a second year Ph.D. student at MIT, in the department of pure mathematics (during first year, EECS department). I’m broadly interested in the intersection of mathematical analysis, probability, and machine learning. I’m particularly interested in reliable AI for science (e.g. how can we make valid statistical inference using black boxes) and for math (e.g. how can we prove existence of solutions to PDEs using black boxes). I’m also lucky to be supported by an NDSEG fellowship.
During 2023-2024, I was lucky to work with Stephen Bates on statistical inference with black boxes. During my undergraduate work at Princeton, I studied pure mathematics and was very lucky to work with Ching-Yao Lai. During my masters degree in mathematics (“Part III”) at the University of Cambridge, I worked with Sofia Villar on alternative schemes to test experimental treatments in the medical community. Previously, I also interned at Meta Reality Labs.
I’m also a co-creator of the Logion project, with Creston Brooks, Johannes Haubold, and Barbara Graziosi, the project to identify and correct mistakes in ancient manuscripts.